Written By Salahuddin Salarzai
Since 9/11 onward Pashtun belt directly effect from the so-called war on terror. Insurgency, insurgent, and combating insurgency all of these games are played on this territory .resident of this got nothings only and only destruction of infrastructure and human loss.Orphaned, physical and mental disorders make the situation worse. Now there are sorrows and weeping in the place of (ATTANS) local and cultural dances which were part of the Tribal cultures. Every day there is a bad news than past, when some on the radio there will 1st news about missing, abduction, and suicide attacks and bomb blasts.The tribal belt before 9/11 is hospitable and more peaceful place in the world. people have come here for the tourism and these simple people have always become a protector of the guest .there is long 22hundred kilometer Durand line on which there is no checkpoint from both sides where people easily cross the border and go to Afghanistan and Pakistan .residents on border both sides were Pashtun and relatives of each other were easily meets with one another .so imagine the time when there are no security forces on border there is always a peace and stability .when both side of border forces start patrolling for the peace now there is no peace In this false flag war, Pashtun belt lost prominent leaders, clerics, journalist. Student, girl's lawyers, and decision makers.What got tribal in the sac of sacrifices only blames and labels of terrorism now everywhere in the world no one knows the peaceful culture of Pashtuns.Engineers of the bloody games buried our peaceful culture and introduce us to the world, dangerous people. Now we lost the trust of peace and prosperity.In the 21st century people of the region are deprived of the basic rights, freedom of speech and freedom of expression when someone trying to express so they are detained unlawfully are enforce disappearance. Because when someone expresses the game of the powerful regime which are playing for the strategic interest they are labeled as rebels or anti-state which were more serious consequences than blasphemy .in the is 2200km long jungle land roles are also jangly .hundred thousands of people are sacrificed in the name of counterterrorism but who will prove that who were terrorist and who were not?They have conducted the operation on the operation for taking funds of dollars no won even politician can't be asked about the funds and hundreds of millions of dollars which were spent on this blind game .there is no audit of military expansions.
Now the educated youth of the region continued a protest and Marches for their rights these protest can break down the atmosphere of the fear and terror .these young and educated Pashtuns were mostly under age of 20th .they asking and raising question about State counterterrorism policy and target killings of Pashtuns clerics, students, and recently killed uprising model naqeeb Mehsood. These youth want justices from the SupreamCourat and ArmyCheif.the main stream media totally ignored this uprising moment because they are controlling by some military .media are mostly free in Pakistan but they can free only civilian affair they don't interrupt are criticize the m ilitary affairs .the young uprising moment want justice in constitutional frame work of Pakistan which were not extent yet to the tribal region of Pakistan .these people are treated under the colonial era criminal law which name was FCR (Frontier Crimes Regulation) which made and imposed by British colonial regime late in eighty's. Under this law, all the section and article are for the criminal and rebels. Islamic nazriyati council of Pakistan which was the institution which work is a watched dog any legislation which was against are defaming the Islamic religion also work is a guidance any they guide the parliament and judiciary about in Islamic affairs. In 1979 when same law imposed on Baluchistan province Islamic nazriyati council declared FCR anti-Islam and anti-humanity.The new moment which was led by a 27-year-old young Pashtun name Manzoor Pashtun .manzoor was the student of Agriculture in Goaml university DI Khan KPk Northwest frontier province of Pakistan .the story of Manzoor also the same he was in early school when in his area military operation started they were enforced to leave the own hometown and flew to Internal Displace camped. Manzoor belongs to a middle-class family his father was a teacher and teacher in a primary school of the hometown.Manzoor say that when I leaving the home at this time I am very upset and thinking that what is our mistake, we are not a Taliban and don't know any things about these insurgents .manzoor added that when I left my hometown I saw the children in the hands of mothers who were crying and saw the people who were injured in there is no facilities of hospital .when we flew from the hometown and come to the camped where situation was more worse than battlefield there is lack of facilities and foods. We started there a new life and forget about hometown .i complete my college and take admission in university .so when the situation becomes normal government allows local residents to go back home when we back there is nothing everything was destroyed by Taliban .we were shocked when we saw the destruction of our shops and properties.Taliban calculated the landmines in the area now every day there was locals victim of that landmines .according to the latest statistic hundreds
were become victim of that landmines.Manzoor Pashtun and his young colleagues last month record a huge peaceful protest in front of Islamabad press club which were a change into Sit in which were ended after a week .prime minister of Pakistan and federal government giving him assurances that their demand will be solved in one month.This new moment now asking the question from the country leadership and also from Pashtoon leadership about the basic rights .they demanding the full extinction of constitution Pakistan to the FATA. this young moment is very famous in the youth .manzoor say that they have no intention of volition of Pakistan sovereignty and dignity .they always wants rights which the constitution of Pakistan granted to everyone. Mansoor also expressing and forcing that our moment will be work within the constitutional framework of Pakistan .they addressing rallies and gathering in the universities and colleges across Pakistan.Now they plan of a grand marched to the tribal area South Waziristan where they will be accomplished with others of his friends from Pakistan
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