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Imran Khan Presentes 11 points Agenda for Naya Pakistan

I will fight till the last drop of my blood for the nation.

PTI Leadership  Answering to Worker Chanting-Courtesy of Photo to - The News International 

Lahore-Addressing the rally in Manyar Pakistan Lahore, Imran Khan said that in the past, Pakistan was respected abroad, Pakistan was respected in the era of Ayub, but today the Prime Minister dared to talk with the President of the United States today. do not have.

He said that Iqbal had a dream for us and he said that this state would be a laboratory.

He said that Quaid-e-Azam assumed Congress's tragedy demanding a separate country for Muslims and struggled.

During his speech, he said that this is the Muslim League (N) who says I am radical, actually, I was the beloved of my mother.

Imran Khan said that the country is going to ruin, we are taking loans to return the loan, but after Nigeria, Pakistan is the only country where most of the children do not go to school.

Chairman PTI presented his eleven points while saying that the first education and other health.

She said that Shaukat Khanam Hospital got a two-day international-style hospital certificate.

Presenting his 11 points, he said that in the third work, I will show money from my nation and I will not need to take any loan.

Imran Khan said, "I will strengthen NAB to stop corruption, strengthen the courts and other institutions, and its example is also that we have removed 20 members of Assembly, before Senate elections There is corruption but nobody has done the first.

He quoted members of the party regarding the provincial assembly, "We have a video regarding them where they are taking money."

Imran Khan said that we will stop money laundering and withdraw money from overseas and spend on education.

Regarding the fifth point, he said that we will bring investment and result in a decrease in unemployment.

Imran Khan incorporated employment in six points in six points and said that 50 lakh houses will be constructed, which will explain details later, and also provide technical education.

He said that God has given a very good country and the easiest task is to get employment in tourism, so that every year, four new places will open and every year will make tourists the center.

The eighth point of view will be agriculture reform because nobody is worried, although he works with hard work throughout the year and especially by Mr. Mill Mafia, but I will not leave this mafia soon.

Imran said that we will strengthen the federation and give all the rights to all the provinces, and as soon as possible, South Punjab will declare the administrative level of the province and instantly integrate FATA into Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
He said that the losses in FATA will be done and provide maximum development funds.

He said that all the Pakistanis will bring the municipal system and the mayor's choice will be directly and the funds will give the representatives instead of the assembly


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