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PTI 100 Days Agenda is a Sort of FUN Instead of a better HOPE for the Youth of Pakistan

The Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) on Sunday, 20 May presented its agenda to be completed within the first 100 days of government, if the party is elected to power. The agenda includes Strengthening the Federation, Transformation in governance, Revitalization of economic growth, Ensuring the country's national security, Revolutionizing social services and Uplifting agriculture and conserve water.

The country most political parties i.e. PPP, PML-N, ANP, QWP, JUI etc. had mocked the programme and termed the PTI’s agenda mere rhetoric. I will not keep the criticism of major political parties in my discussion but will just ask a question that what is your plan for next general elections 2018? Instead of criticism on PTI agenda, bring your own better agenda to the nation. Anyhow in democracy, political parties criticize one another for political point scoring.

I want to focus on one point among them which is “Revitalization of Economic Growth” which was presented by Asad Umar setting MNA of PTI where he presents different goals of his party. Among them one is creating 10 Million (1 Crore Jobs) in next five years for the unemployed people of Pakistan. I would like to limit my writing to the response of youth towards 10 million jobs. like the political parties, I am surprised that the youth of Pakistan especially in my social networks which are mostly graduate and post graduate students making fun of Asad Umar speech and 1 crore jobs. 

Interestingly most of them are unemployed even they have graduated and post graduate degrees from different HEC recognized university. Instead of appreciating this step, they are making fun of it.

It is the first time (after Bhutto Roti, Kapra, Makaan), I am seeing a vision which touches people. 10M Jobs and its indirect impact could be much higher.

I will start my discussion from the 

“Article-38 of the constitution which states that the “state shall provide jobs for all citizens, within the available resources of the country, facilities for work and adequate livelihood.” Hence, it is the constitutional responsibility of any ruling party to do their best to create job opportunities for the youth to enter the job market in the next five years”.

I saw so many posts where our youth asking that one year is equal to 365 day and five years is equal to 1825 day. They divide 1 Crore on 1825 which is equal to 5479 jobs per day. It seems funny to them and impossible. I would like to give you some example of two countries. 

“Data from Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security (MHRSS) China showed that 13.14 million new jobs for urban residents were created in 2016 exceeding the whole-year target of 10 million while President Bill Clinton of USA created the most number of jobs (21.5 million) during his term from 1993-2001. President Barack Obama came in second, creating 17.2 million jobs from the beginning of his term (January 2009) to the end”.

Everyone would have question in his/her mind that this the statistics from USA and China and you are talking about Pakistan and Pakistan is not in the position to create that number of Jobs. 

Why it is not possible? Why Pakistan don’t have resources?

“It is possible but if you have Great vision, bold vision, daring vision and challenging vision with hard worker and committed team under a dedicated leadership”

According to UNDP report 39% people in Pakistan are employed, 04% are actively seeking jobs while 57% people neither working as well not seeking jobs.

If there are no jobs, then where people will seek. Further the recent reports say that every year more than 2 million people are entering to job marketing. So in next five years about 10 million people will enter to Jobs markets and PTI announce 10 million jobs in next five years. But the question is that what about the already 57% people which are jobless. This need answer and the youth should ask from Asad Umar and PTI that 10 million jobs are not enough. You should keep the goal more than that as your party have the slogan of change and providing employment opportunities.

Further Imran Khan also used to say that Pakistan will be a country where people will come from abroad for jobs. In that context the 10 million jobs are not enough again.

“I would like to find out a problem with productive jobs in Pakistan. the main reason of that is not linking jobs industries to our Universities and colleges from where people getting degrees and go to jobs markets. Asad Umar didn’t present any idea and framework about that which is the need of the day”.

Now, let’s talk about how these jobs will be created. The primary engine of growth and job creation is the private sector of any country, hence the vast majority of these jobs will be created in the private sector with a facilitating policy framework that will encourage expansion of businesses and attract investment. Currently, the private sector is over-regulated and over-taxed, and most importantly, it is not treated as an equal stakeholder in economic decision making. We have to realize that the government’s role is to create a business- and investor-friendly environment, while making investment in supportive human and physical capital.

“The first step of engaging and incentivizing the private sector has already been explained. The second key ingredient is to target sectors for prioritization which are job intensive and consistent with the Pakistani economy’s comparative advantage. Evidence based research shows that sectors of the economy that have the most potential to create new jobs are manufacturing (SMEs), construction, tourism, and social services (education, health)”

I will conclude the above section in one statement that” If a reasonably good economic growth rate does not produce enough jobs, it is time to review economic policies to remedy the situation” and that is the one of the agenda in 100 days’ plan of PTI.

So, I would to suggest to the youth of Pakistan that instead making fun of that PTI agenda, you should ask from the other parties as well to present their agenda before election and with firm believe make a promise with yourself that if any party which came as ruling party and didn’t fulfil their election agenda then take revenge from them in every cost.

I would like to mention the quote of Waqar Islam who is a senior entrepreneur which is “If you feel it is tough yet achievable”, it is a great target to have. This one is tough, yet achievable - hence a great target. Go for it Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI).

 Lal Zaman
The writer is MS Student of Sociology in the Department of Sociology, International Islamic University Islamabad.
Email: Mobile 03078531095


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