Salahuddin Salarzai:

Mufti Noor Wali wrote a book, this year ''Inqilab Mehsood South Waziristan: From British Raj to American Imperialism,’ by Abu Mansoor Asim Mufti Noor Wali, a senior Taliban leader. In the book, he confirms the assassination of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto Murder.
Belongs TO
Mufti Noor Wali Basically from North Waziristan, Gorgary Sarroga, area belongs to Mechikhel Sub Clane of Mehsud Tribe,.
Noor Wali as educated than past leadership of TTP, He survives is Qazi of Shira Court under Baitullah Mehsud former head which was killed in drone striike 2007.
Suspect in Many Cases
Noor wali is one of the senior Leader of TTP, Suspect in many cases, and mastermind of Failed Attack on Mala Yousfzi a school girl in Swat.2014 bloody attack on APS Army Public School in Peshawar.
Mufti Noor Wali appointment came short after confirming death of Mullah fazllulah, Normally its take time, expert says that Taliban became mature and not want to again do mistake on an appointment of the new chief.
Mehsud Tribe Man Again, the leader of TTP.
Noor Wali appointment shows that once again Mehsud Tribe re-occupied leadership Chair, After the death of the late chief of TTP Hakimullah Mehsud Power corridor slipt into Mehsud outsiders. Recently killed Militant leader belong to imam deary swat.
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