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Pakistan Reformer PM on Global Political Spectrum

Pakistan General election result which still a dilemma election commission which was deployed by political parties have now reservation over election Process, Chief election commissioner deploying by Government and opposition party, so current ECP Chief selected by Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz PML (N) and Pakistan People’s Party Parliamentarian (PPP) with all controversies in that time. Pakistan Tahreek Insaf (PTI) Known Pakistan Justice Moments, who won the majority in Federal and also in two provinces.PTI opponent parties reservation on the election process, but these rigging allegations not new, like around the world in Pakistan also in every election opposition parties showing reservations on the Election process, but political parties Hiding own Defeat trough allegations.

Imran Khan Won Clear Majority. 

Cricketer Turn, Political Leader Imran Khan which popular in youth due to his anti-corruption ideology, won the election with the clear majority 120 seat out of 274 of National assembly they can easily make government in federal. Pakistan Justice Moment (PTI )supporters which struggling from last five year get success, mostly members new and young. PTI opponents mostly traditional and feudal politicians, which is in government from last 30 years, but they fail to deliver, these traditional and conservative politicians always use democracy is umbrella, but actually all of these are not self-made and pure democrats, if we talk about biggest political party Muslim League Nawaz (PMLN ) which leader Prime minister Nawaz Sharif on corruption Charges, came to power in 1980,s by Military dictator General Zai-UL-Haq, in that time Nawaz made an alliance against PPP and prime minister Zul Fiqar Ali Bhutto, which killed in sentence, and other religious Parties alliance  with Nawaz Sharif. In Pakistan no political party has a pure democratic soul, now all these political parties blaming PTI is a military supported party.

Political bag round and Controversies 

If we compare other political leader and Imran Khan current elected prime minister, so  Khan is not a pro-military leader, Imran has the courage always criticize some military policies openly no other political leader can’t criticize policy openly like that ’s. Imran Khan strongly criticizes past military policies in Afghanistan and current military policy in Pakistan against the war on terror. Imran khan an antiwar leader always focus on diplomacy, Imran has a bad habit, his bat habit straightforwardness, this is the failure of a political leader, but if we look that straightforwardness also the success of Imran Khan, due to which he always openly criticize the opponent Parties corruption and anti-public policies.


khan talking about change, labor’s laws, poverty, health, and education reforms, previous government Khan have a government in North West Provence Khyber Pakhtun Khwa KPK, Imran deliver there and bringing changes there in many institutions Health, education, Police and decrease Corruption in these institutions, on that behalf for the first time KPK people re-elect any party with two-third majority, so that shows PTI performance that’s people satisfice from them.

Foreign Policy and Imran Khan

 Many observers and international experts look to Imran Khan are the pro-hard liners that are on behalf of his clear vision and clear policy. Imran khan neck name Taliban Khan but no one know, that’s Imran pro-Taliban policy bring Peace in a Province where police refuse duty due to terror. Imran Khan first government in a province where daily two three blast but when he came to power in that province with no past experience but he delivers in that’s and brings peace in that province, now if you compare KPK with other provinces Better than other provinces.

Imran always talking even in many international forums like in India that I want a friendly relationship with India, Imran Khan said in the victory speech that my wish that we keep a friendly relationship with India and also with Afghanistan and Iran. Imran against American policy in Afghanistan, they believe in dialogue and peace. Imran Khan strongly criticizes hidden drone attack policy between US and Pakistan, in 2013 khan blocked NATO routes in Pakistan. Imran always in favor of independent foreign policy or balanced foreign policy. 

Writer-Journalist And Political Experts  Salahuddin-Salarzai, 


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