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Use the key of Vote in the right slot,

Pakistan, a country where citizens are always living in tragedies and hypocrisies, these tragedies and hypocrisies are in the shape of poverty, illiteracy, poor health care, and lack of jobs, from the very day of independence of the country up till now Pakistan remained in the state war which always looming on Country in different faces internal external, power politics, ethnics, religious and global war on terrorism.

These wars of hypocrisy are looming on the country in two shapes one is natural and other is Artificial, artificial war with the threat from the imaginary enemy. Pakistan strategic and political decision which are often taken unconsciously for specific purposes, the other is a power struggle between different state institutions. If we look at past so we will see the power politics and rift between institutions, which left a great impact on Pakistani masses, Sometimes army coup crossed constitutional limitations and sometimes political elements take a position against other political opponent’s. This power struggle and different perceptions within the minds of the public regarding state institutes and politicians are keeping the public off the track from the clear path towards the struggle for basic fundamental rights.

If we just take a brief look at past one year events, how many times capital and twins cities were under sedge from violent mobs, blocking down the whole social, economic and administrative activities of the city. when there is uncertainty international and global community don’t trust us they are not ready to invest here, political outsiders coming into powers through lockdowns and shutdowns, Local cleric who launched weeks-long blockade of capital because parliament un deliberately passed a bill regarding election form having sections of finality of prophet missing from the form, Cleric announced end to blockage when parliament took back the bill. Now the cleric is running for election. The thing to worry about how in just one month someone was able to conquer the country. If Pakistani media is kept under constant surveillance with censorship of many press and media news the ultimate goal of progressive Pakistan is just a dream.

Due to this undemocratic behavior, Pakistan is suffering from the last 70 years. Moreover due to this power rift between the institution's state failed to come up with any credible long-term Foreign policy. We have a lot of issues but we don’t have solutions. In the country where people are not dying due to hunger but are dying due to the bad quality of foods and lack of clean drinking what we called it, bad luck or incompetence which we repeat again and again, but we don’t take lessons from our mistakes.

Terrorism which is one of the most important issues of Pakistan, from the last one decade we are in a state of war with thousands of troops, civilians, politicians, and public figures giving sacrifices of lives and hundreds thousand are unable to recover from injuries making hundreds of people disable. From the last fifteen years, our troops are fighting the war against terrorism in tribal areas where millions of people several time displaced from homes and giving every type of sacrifices. But we are not able to fix the problem yet and now years after this long war we are looking for pro and anti-elements in these insurgents.W e don’t have a clear policy in this war against terrorism with our troops are just fighting the war without any set goal and end in mind. Why did Financial Taskforce place Pakistan on greylist? The shadows of the blacklist coming fast to add fuel to the flame of the unstable economy this is clear to show us that we failed to capitalize on all our sacrifices that our civilians and arm forces gave in the past decade.

It’s the state our foreign policy and what we are doing with our internal policy is no more different than the external policy. Even for natural disasters like flood and earthquake, we don’t have such a good plan for these things, recently we saw that’s Lahore drown in water giving a loud and clear view of our governing capabilities and abilities. What is the government doing, every year Pakistan Disaster management authority (PDMA) takes hundred millions of rupees but in time of disaster they have no facilities to rescue peoples, even they don’t have life jacket this is the level of our administration.

How to fix the problem? Who will fix the problem? This is the question which exists for seventy years but we have no answer government coming and going both dictatorship and democracy failed to address the issues of a common man.

So Pakistan needs a government which has the capability of fixing these problems, Pakistan needs a government which has a unique planning for tackling these problems, Government which have a better health, education, plan for 220 million population of Pakistan.

In Up Coming election Pakistani masses have a chance to decide to whom give the key of the country, Vote is the power key, which is in the hands of People, and so it’s up to the people to use this key in the right slot. If you use this key wrong again and again the system will remain the same no matter whoever comes and the situation will be worse so use key with pattern right.T he keys to vote can open the door of development and prosperity in the country.

By Salahuddin Salarzai 
Social Activist and Political Expert


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