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Alarming increasing number of violence against women in KPK

Alarming increasing number of violence against women in KPK. The report says that 4600 sexual assault cases register in last one year.2018 current year the rate of violence and sexual assault against women are routine in daily news and reports.KPK government and Administration totally failed to prevent women’s and minor Children’s.

Despite strong legislation government performance sacked, it’s the responsibility of the government that they give serious attention to these issues, in the start of the current year 2018 we saw a brutal murder in District Kasur of minor Zainab which became viral and spark across the country than the government takes action against the killer of teenage. Zainb case, set a national level debate, after that the government take some actions and make legislation but despite temporary and emotional actions governments and country lawmakers didn’t take it seriously. Countering Rape and other violence against women’s are a serious issue also a social problem, we need to focus on it's on a social level, legislation is not preventing rape they can only decreasing the rats of rape and violence.

We need to set a society base debates and also add in school curriculum sex education, that’s we educate our young adults and make them aware of the problem, this will be helpful, we will achieve two goals, First they will be learned how to prevents himself mean self-defense, second they will be becoming educated about the consequences of this . Its mean our children will not become a victim nor they will assault someone. 

From last couple of months, I am following news reports about violence and rape in print and electronic media across the country but I will be trying there to limit my topic to only KPK. At the start of the year 2018 Asma, a third-year medical student was shot dead in Kohat. Asma received three bullets and was rushed to a nearby hospital, where she succumbed to her injuries. Why Asma Rani target, the crime of Asma is refusing a marriage proposal. After RANI another case in the same time which catch the attention of government is a four-year-old Asma had gone missing on January 14 in Mardan’s Gujar Garhi area, and her dead body was found from sugarcane fields near her house on January 15. Later, the forensic testing had confirmed that the child was subjected to sexual abuse before being killed.

Recently unknown persons kidnapped eight-year-old Mohtarama in BAJAUR Laghari area of tehsil Mamond, killed, mutilated and then put acid on her face that burnt her beyond recognition. Last week a man has allegedly killed his sister in the name of honor in Mardan 15 years after she married according to her own choice. In the same week, the bodies of a woman and her daughter have been found in fields in Charsadda eight days after they went missing.

According to my own research it’s on news base, it’s not an official report, myself research, this news from January to till now round about 32 sexual assault cases occurs in KPK four Main Districts MARDAN, CHARSADA, Nowshehra, Peshawar, In which mostly minor Girls and boys became victim of sexual assault. After that’s they have been killed brutally.In these reported cases 8 from district Nowshera ,5 from Peshawar,6 from district charsada, and other from different Parts of KPK.

There are numerous other rape cases which go unreported every single day due to societal pressures. Such incidents are not confined to one specific place. It is happening all over Pakistan and now is the time to fight back. It’s now or never!. 

BY Salahuddin Salarzai


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