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Hopes, PM Khan Visit will meltdown the relation between IRAN and KSA.

Prime Minister Imran Khan is expected to make his first official visit to Saudi Arabia next week. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in contact with Saudi officials for the prime minister's visit. Pakistan and Saudi Arabia have shared close ties. On August 12, Saudi King Salman bin Abdul-Aziz congratulated PM Imran on his victory. The Saudi king also extended goodwill for the development and welfare of the people of Pakistan. Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has expressed the Kingdom's interest in investing heavily in a bid to strengthen its trade ties with Pakistan. In the recent past, Prime Minister Imran said that bilateral ties between the two countries would be further strengthened, adding that the leaders of both countries would also visit each other’s country soon in this regard.

Can PM Khan Visit will meltdown the relation between IRAN and KSA? Iran is attempting to reset its relationship with its eastern neighbor. Iran was one of the first countries to congratulate Khan after election victory. It staged an unprecedented celebration of Pakistan’s Independence Day. And it welcomed Khan’s statement about improving relations among “all Middle Eastern brothers.”

In a speech after his electoral victory, Khan said: “Our aim will be that whatever we can do for conciliation in the Middle East, we want to play that role.” And in an August 4 meeting with Mehdi Honardoost, Iran’s ambassador to Pakistan, Khan expressed a willingness to “play a constructive and positive role between Iran and Saudi Arabia,” and promised to visit both countries after starting his new job.

Pakistan could benefit from improved Iran-Saudi relations. It needs to have a peaceful relationship with Iran, its neighbor in a volatile region, and it needs Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and other Gulf Cooperation Council countries for their billions of dollars in remittances that are a key part of the Pakistani economy. The Gulf States have also been providing Pakistan with energy and financial support at times of trouble, including when the United States sanctioned Pakistan after its nuclear tests in 1998.

With Pakistan’s much-needed $12 billion loan from the International Monetary Fund in limbo and facing US opposition, the Islamic Development Bank based in Jeddah is giving Pakistan a $4.5 billion dollar loan. Iran can’t compete with this kind of generosity.

In recent years, however, Pakistan’s relationships with both Iran and the Saudis have faced challenges. Tensions arose between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia when Pakistan refused to be part of the coalition fighting in Yemen. Even though the Pakistani constitution gives the prime minister the authority to deploy troops, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif sent the matter to parliament where lawmakers rejected it. That, of course, upset Pakistan’s Arab friends, which is not an easy matter for Pakistan.

Iran expressed dissatisfaction last year when the Saudis appointed Pakistan’s former army chief, General Raheel Sharif, to lead the Islamic Military Alliance to Fight Terrorism (IMAFT). Formed in 2015 and headquartered in Saudi Arabia, IMAFT consists of over 40 mainly Sunni-dominated countries. One of the main opponents of the IMAFT idea was Khan’s Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) party. Citing the divide between Pakistani Sunni and Shia, PTI spokesman Fawwad Chaudhry said, “Our Shia brothers have already been targeted in this country and this decision will intensify the sense of insecurity prevailing among them.” Khan has assigned Shireen Mazari, member of the National Assembly of Pakistan since August 2018 and chief whip for Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf, and two others to prepare for the upcoming IMAFT discussion in the National Assembly.

PM Imran khan always show concern over Saudi and Iran power struggle always criticizes the role of both Islamic countries in middle east ,especially in Syria and Yemen, Can khan will be the first one which will be raise the issue with both countries and will be open the door for unseen peace Talk on Syria and Middle East. If khan take the issue with Saudi and Saudi show seriousness for the talks may be, may be the solution or temporary peace not far away. Khan have the capability to bring both country on peace table. Khan have plan to visit Iran in Second phase after KASA,for the peace talks has not decided no official preparations but we can hope that may be khan will be raise the issue ,

Khan also can better use the Forum which remain only a name, is OIC Organization of Islamic Countries .if khan try to active the forum that will be bring Hope for Muslim world. Like Pakistan all the Muslim countries in hope that khan will be finish Controversies in Muslim Word



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