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JUI-S chief Sami-Ul-Haq assassination and the recent meeting with afghan officials

By Salahuddin Salarzai

Influential religious scholar and former senator Maulana Samiul Haq have been assassinated at his residence in Rawalpindi, on Friday. Many independent observer and Media linking the murder of JUI-S chief Maulana Sami-Ul-Haq with recent meeting with Afghan officials, A high level delegation from Afghanistan comprising former Jihadi commanders, religious figures and tribal chieftains meet with Mulana Sami Ulhaq last month, the delegates remained for over two hours with Maulana Sami Ul Haq and exchanged views with him on current situation of Afghanistan and requested him to help in the reconciliation process. Afghan diplomats serving in Pakistan also attended the meeting. In connection with reconciliation process between the Afghan government and Tehrik Taliban Afghanistan, the delegates recommended Maulana Sami Ul Haq become arbitrator (mediator) and assured him of accepting each and every one of his decisions. The delegates appreciated Maulana Sami Ul Haq and his family’s popularity and credibility in Afghanistan. Responding to various proposals and suggestions, Maulana Sami Ul Haq said, “Afghan issue is very complicated, and several international forces including the U.S. are reluctant to resolve it.” He, however, said that he also wanted an end to internal violence and hostilities in Afghanistan.

Maulana Sami-Ul-Haq also suggested a meeting of Afghan Ulema with Taliban leaders without “involvement of the United States and Pakistan”, whereas the two sides would understand each other’s point of views as well as could build up trust in each other. He also said that the problem could easily be resolved whenever the Afghans irrespective of their past and present tussles and hostilities assemble in one forum whereas they could easily build up a consensus regarding future of their motherland. All of them need to keep in mind sacrifices rendered by millions of Afghans for the sovereignty, solidarity and Islamic identity of their motherland. While senior journalist and Pak –afghan relation expert on Friday night argued while giving an interview to Voice of America Pashtu service “Deewa Radio” that I don’t think that Mulana

While Senior journalist and Afghan relation experts Tahir Khan on Friday revealed an interview with Voice of America Pashtu Service (Deewa Radio) that this is unpredictable that we linked the murder of Maulana Sami with recent meeting regarding Afghan peace talks, while Tahir Khan revealed that Mulana itself told him that Taliban offer him for Mediation,, he said that Maulana offered to Taliban that he will give them place in own Madrasa for holding peace talks,, Tahir Khan further said that, people linking the issue with recent meeting with Afghan delegation because the Afghan ambassador in Pakistan thrice visit to Mulana Madrsa in context of Afghan Peace Talks .


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