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Dozens, dead as Pakistani army plane crashes into homes

Pakistan army soldier stands guard the site of a plane crash in Rawalpindi, Pakistan. AP

Islamabad-A Pakistani military plane crashed into a residential area before dawn on Tuesday, killing at least 19 people, most of them in their homes on the outskirts of the city of Rawalpindi, officials said.

Fires, damaged houses and debris were visible in Mora Kalu village near Rawalpindi after daybreak. Victims’ relatives were seen wailing and crying as rescuers loaded charred bodies into ambulances.

Rescue officials said 14 civilians, including children, and all five crew aboard the aircraft were killed, including the two pilots.

Farooq Butt, an official at the state-run rescue  emergency service, said 14 people were also injured in the crash. He said the death toll could rise as some were in critical condition. “Most of the victims received burn injuries,” Butt said.

The cause of the crash wasn’t immediately known. The military said the army aircraft was on a routine training flight when it crashed, and that an investigation had been opened.

As rescue efforts ended, troops and police cordoned off the residential area to search for plane debris and probe the crash site. Footage on social media showed the plane was flying very low before it quickly went down.

Residents said they woke up when they heard an explosion and saw debris from the burning plane near their homes. Army helicopters were later seen hovering over the crash site.


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