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Chinese are fighting alone for its survival, the world sent them into diplomatic isolation.

Image result for corona virus"

How the theory of globalization and human harmony suddenly failed, in a situation when a billion people in need of courage and humanitarian aid. The self-proclaims Western humanist ideology exposed the hidden truth that human has no values when they're suffering from coronavirus and especially when they belong to economic rival China.
In the past century, there was no such an example where the world announced the isolation of any country in the time of human misery but yes, it's happening in 2020. The china is fighting alone for its survival against coronavirus, their brave public donating life jackets in the shape of "masks" to each other. Their nurses and doctors happily going to duties and volunteers performing duties in the center of the corona outbreak. The Chinese public has a history of combined and joint struggle. Their people and government are not new with such a national crisis they are known to control the disasters.
Some silly democracies and traditional opponents are happy and analyzing situations with economic advantages. Western media and their leadership's reactions toward coronavirus are dangerous like they have been waiting for years to such human misery, where China will be through in isolation and their economies will suddenly fall. They have no alternate way to stop China from economic superiority but their reaction tells us that they have waited for a natural disaster like coronavirus. 
Image result for corona virus"
The xenophobic and sensational coverage of western media telling us that they have no sympathy for Chinese people, they have no courageous words for the affected people and their families. The panic headlines increasing the pressure and creating more fear among Chinese and around the globe.
Coronavirus is deadly but curable! If the world wants to tackle it ?. No need to panic, china is capable to make it treatable but may it will be taken some time if they're doing alone.  If the world jointly makes efforts, the result will be achieved so fast.
Coronavirus: The vicious reaction of the US to human misery.
 China facing a difficult situation, the western media, and leaders covering the situation like the traditional way. The New York time in a recent article has used a headline that seriously the violation of human moralities and journalistic ethics, the content has a lack of respect for chines people and makes fun of the humanitarian crisis.
In Coronavirus, a ‘Battle’ That Could Humble China’s Strongman.
American television CNN has repeated the same way of criticism of media censorship in china. In second headlines predicted the cost of combating the coronavirus.
Anger over the Wuhan virus is sparking pushback against censorship in China. It won't last.
 American Media and politicians are more concerned about china's economy than human life which reflects the capitalist ideology. Just look at the statement of the commerce secretary of the US.
  “US Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross has said the deadly coronavirus outbreak in China could be positive for the American economy”
Image result for coronavirus usa comerce minster"
During an interview, Mr. Ross said: "I think it will help to accelerate the return of jobs to North America”. The rapid spread of the disease has raised fears about its impact on the Chinese economy and global growth.
Same the other western countries have just thought of prevention and safe evacuation measures, no one has yet extended their sympathies to china. Of course, the prevention of its citizens from the deadly outbreak is their first duty but the extension of the kind words will not affect their national health. Dramatically we have seen the situation that some closest friends of china have adobe the ignorance policy, and they have only thought of own safety, no statesmen have yet extended their cooperation to china officially or no one call to president XI.
Are this is the same world planet? Now where humans are escaping from their own species, it's mean the coronavirus not only dangerous for human life, it is more dangerous for human values which putting cracks in mutual relationships.
"Every nation and society has a hard time which helps them in the identification of their enemies and friends. Now, exactly Chinese are passing through the same phase"


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